Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Stop Being Afraid To Be Great...

 January 14, 2020

To often many of us will down play our abilities or what we bring to the table.
We let other take the lead because we think no one will like our ideas or opinion doesn't matter. This my friend is not true at all, and we must stop this negative thinking. 
The next time fate presents you with an opportunity, stop take a deep breath and jump; you may surprise yourself.  Greatness is waiting for you to claim it.

Many Blessings, 
Exquisite Mommy 

Friday, January 3, 2020

Challenge: Right The Wrong

January 3, 2020

Today's Challenge is very simple. Take a few moments,  to really think about a person or situation that you didn't make the best choice about and fix it. 
Many Blessings,
Exquisite Mommy 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Let's get it together honey

Today is January 2, 2020 hopefully you have sobered up from your new year's eve activities; and your ready to get your life together.

Now though the new year has come through, there's still a few of us who need to be reminded to stop belittling yourself; and let's be about the business of being extreme kings and queens. 

2020 is not the year for insecurities,  self-doubt ,being fearful of the unknown and worrying about what others think of us. 2020 is the year of getting it done even if that means that you and God are the only ones who believe in what you're trying to accomplish. So let's dust 2019 off and let's get it done.

"You are greater than you think"

Many Blessings,
Exquisite Mommy