Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Stop Being Afraid To Be Great...

 January 14, 2020

To often many of us will down play our abilities or what we bring to the table.
We let other take the lead because we think no one will like our ideas or opinion doesn't matter. This my friend is not true at all, and we must stop this negative thinking. 
The next time fate presents you with an opportunity, stop take a deep breath and jump; you may surprise yourself.  Greatness is waiting for you to claim it.

Many Blessings, 
Exquisite Mommy 

Friday, January 3, 2020

Challenge: Right The Wrong

January 3, 2020

Today's Challenge is very simple. Take a few moments,  to really think about a person or situation that you didn't make the best choice about and fix it. 
Many Blessings,
Exquisite Mommy 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Let's get it together honey

Today is January 2, 2020 hopefully you have sobered up from your new year's eve activities; and your ready to get your life together.

Now though the new year has come through, there's still a few of us who need to be reminded to stop belittling yourself; and let's be about the business of being extreme kings and queens. 

2020 is not the year for insecurities,  self-doubt ,being fearful of the unknown and worrying about what others think of us. 2020 is the year of getting it done even if that means that you and God are the only ones who believe in what you're trying to accomplish. So let's dust 2019 off and let's get it done.

"You are greater than you think"

Many Blessings,
Exquisite Mommy

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year !

Hi! My name is Na' Ross and here are my goals for 2016 

1. Continue to study and grow spritually in the word of God

2. Be more patient and present with my Son and Husband 

3. Move forward with my knee replacement surgeries and take better care of myself

4. Stop apologizing for being SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!! 

May your 2016 be prosperous, breathtaking , and full of Gods continued Grace and Mercy 

Exquisite Mommy

Monday, November 30, 2015

Afraid of Greatness

"Your not Qualified"
"You have no experience"
"Your too old"
"Your not smart enough"
"It's too late for you"

I have said the above phrases and many more stopping myself from greatness, sadly I have told myself so many of these things that I have started to believe them. Even, as I type this blog in the back of my mind I'm thinking no one going to read this. See, I have set myself up for failure with my own thoughts. Well guess what? That ends today.

I think it all started my senior year of high school, I was a Honor Roll student, Drill team Captain for two years, Highest Ranking Female in ROTC, overall a pretty social and happy teenager; except one thing, I couldn’t pass the math portion of the TAAS test (the standardized exit exam in the 90's). I tried and tried and I always came up short by a point or two. As a result I kind of just coasted through my senior year. I didn’t go to many parties or a lot of senior events because I just felt like it would be waste of time. Luckily, there were two teachers who were determined to see me graduate on time with my class, my drill team sponsor Ms. Cheryl Allen and Mr. E. King. These two came up with a schedule and plan that consist of me studying with Mr. King in his freshmen algebra class and Ms. Allen would help me out with any assignments he provided for the week. Lets, just say this combo along with my family helped me achieve greatness and I’m forever grateful. However, even after passing that truly unnecessary standardized test and graduating on time with my class, somewhere deep down fear decided to take up residence in me and rear its ugly head from time to time.

You name it , I've done it. I talked myself out going off to college to pursue my dream of studying dance and voice because I didn't think I as smart enough (I did go to community college received an wonderful education), taking a job out-of-state cause I would be alone, trying out to be Dallas Mavericks Cheerleaders (my poor Cledus really wanted me to try-out too...) and the list goes on. What's really funny is that I always try my best to encourage others to pursue their dreams.

Here's one example: Two years ago my husband's daughter had just graduated with her bachelors in Human Resources. She had applied for grad school but had to way the option of staying close to home or relocating. She sat in the backseat off the car after dinner one day and literally gave us every excuse she could think of as into why she couldn't relocate for school. I stopped her and gave her a 20 min speech on what she was going to do. Once, I finished I laughed out loud and said; "where was this chick when I was younger?" Honestly, I had to grow into her.

See even though I didn't fulfill a few of my original dreams I still didn't have a shabby life. I worked for three major multi-million dollar companies, were I thrived in every position I was promoted to. Now, I contract my services out as a Group Fitness Instructor; so I guess you can say life kind of came full circle for me. I get to up everyday and do something that I love. I get to dance every single day and I wouldn't change it for the world. Yes, there are still a few of my childhood dreams that I would like to try and fulfill; and since there nothing holding  me back (other than my hubby and my lil man; just kidding) I think I will be placing them on my vision board to be accomplished in the very near future.

So the next time you feel like "I cant do it", "no one will support my dreams", "I’m getting too old". Get up walk to the nearest mirror , look yourself in mirror and say. "I am made for greatness from greatness; and I will not be afraid to be Great!"

Exquisite Mommy

Thursday, November 19, 2015

"Bad Mother?"

Everyday I pray and ask God to help me to be a better mother and wife especially, a good mother. Now let's get something straight I love my child with all my heart, I would lay down my life for him in a heartbeat. His father and I really try our best to teach him all he needs to know to be a good little boy, but it always feels like when I take three steps forward with him and by the end of the week I've taken 10 steps back, which is very depressing at times.

When it comes to disciplining him I'm pretty old school, I whole heartly believe in Proverbs 23: 13-14 (read it you'll understand ) , I do try to refrain from spanking him because it really makes me feel some type of way after I have to do it; however, I figure I will discipline him now before the police try to use their discipline tactics on him later in life. (I'm just saysing)

Here are some of the reasons I feel I'm a Bad Mother:
I have no patience whatsoever (honestly, I have no pateince for some adults , lol)
I talk to him like he's a grown man and not a toddler (I don't curse at him)
I get up set when he acts as if he's not understand what I asking of him
Sometimes, I think his thinks his mommy doesn't love him, which couldnt be further from the truth.

A lot of days I wish that I could get a do over, I wish that I could get it right with him, yes there are even days were I question God in why he gave my little love to me. But then something magical happens... My little love calls my name (mommy) in his sweet  deep voice and says "Mommy!! Your the best mommy in the world" or when we're doing school work he remembers what we went over two weeks before, or he gets ready for bed and he says " Mommy I need to say my prays, Our Father in Heaven". At these moments I remember that not all my work has been in vain.

No!!! I dont always get it right, yes there are days that I feel like Im figthing a losing battle with him, there are even days when I want to give up. Then , I get still and think about one September day in 2011 when I was only few weeks pregnant. I was throwing up everything under sun , it was so bad my thorat burned from vomiting and the only comfort I received was from lying on the cool bathroom floor. My husband had come in from work and find me lying there crying, he picked me up and put in the bed and asked if I needed to go the hospital. I told him no but in reality I felt like I was knocking on deaths door. As I tried my best to get it together I remember looking up at him and saying , " I cant lose this baby". My husband looked at me and asssured me that we wouldnt lose our child. Honestly, I would have beleived the Snowman had he said the same thing, but it was the way he said it ; as if he had talked to God and been giving confirmation beofre that day every happen. I honestly dont know, but I know that though if feels like its too much for me to handle, I promised God that I would do everything in my power to make sure he was raised as God fearing man, with morals and values; someone that when others see him they see God's light shining through him. 

So this goes out to the parents, who feel like giving up, you feel like they are just not getting it and if something doesn't give your going to pull all your hair out. Remember this few scriptures:

Proverbs 22:6KJV "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it"


So parents don't give up, continue to do everything in your power to ensure your children become their best selves they can be.

Exquisite Mommy

Friday, June 26, 2015

All we need is Love

1Corinthians 13 vs.4-7 NLT

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Love who Love... Be kind to others... Live with No Regrets...

God Loves You and so do I ❤