Monday, February 23, 2015

"Mommy I need pray"

Saturday morning after teaching my morning Zumba class, tending to my little loves every need and finally showering; my little one annouces to me as we're getting ready to leave the house again "mommy I need pray!"

I looked back at him and in a very sarcasted tone said you sure do, but as I did this I notice the look on his little face; he really wanted to pray. So I soften my tone and said ok let's pray. He started with "Our Father in Heaven , hallowed be thy name."  I then chimmed in and helped him finsih the rest of his pray.

After we finished praying he thanked me and then starting singing as he always does on our roadtrips. As I quickly looked back at him and smiled two thoughts popped into my head. 1. Wow hubby and I must be doing something right. 2. I wish I was more like my son when asking for pray.

I've only come cross one other person my son's drop everything and lets pray spirit, and I'm glad I get to call them my friend. I think when your a child life is so easy and asking for what you want or need just comes easy. However, when we become adults I think a lot of us lose our abilty to ask for help and little bit of prayer. Don't you know that pray fixes everything.

I was always taugth " take it to God before you taking anywhere else". I know a lot people think " I don't know how to pray", or "I don't  know what to say" but guess what, God already knows what's on your heart, what you need and what you want. So stop thinking that you have to be this eloquent wordsmith in order to speak to him. He will listen to you were ever you are; he just wants to hear from you.  So the next time there is something weighing on your heart, stop and have a little talk with Jesus.

The Lord's Prayer:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as
we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil: For thine is the kingdoem, and the power, and the glory, for
ever Amen.
Matthew 6:9-13 KJV

Monday, February 2, 2015


Friends- 1. To act as the friend of : befriend. 2. to include (someone) in a list of designated friends on a person's social networking site. Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Some many of us thrive on the fact that we have a gang of friends, but let's be honest how many of your so called "friends" are really your friends.

To be a friend is a mini part-time job, no really it is. You have to be physically, emotionally, mentally and sometimes spritually invested. Now if this is somethng you dont think you can handle or can do please dont put yourself in the position to be called anyones friend. Before you know it you will be labled as never there, a runner, heartless, you get my drift.

I will admit at times I do not think Im a really good friend. I dont call my friends all the time, I dont see them on a weekly or even monthly basis. I can even be very mean and distant to them if they catch on the wrong day; but my friends can never say I dont love them.

See God puts certain people in your life; some for a reason and some for a season. I also believe he designates each of us to have our own "Person or Persons".
These people love us unonditionally, they correct us when we're wrong, they make us angry, they make us happy and they make us sad but their our person. Friendship with these people may have started magaically and sometimes they start with dislike and even hate. Then something happens that neither one of you can explain but the bond you have is unwritten and unbroken.

Proverbs 18 has several verses that speak on friendship: (I recommend reading all of the Proverbs if you havent, it's very enightening)

Vs. 1 Unfriendly people care only about themselves; they lash out at common sense. NLT {Seriously, please dont be this person}

Vs. 19 An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city. Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with bars. NLT {I know it can be hard and dang near impossible to admit when your wrong or you have wronged your friend, you have to dig deep withnin  to admit that your wrong and savage your relationship. Dont ever let petty or ignorance ruin your friendship. Sometimes being right isn't worth losing a friend especailly a "GOOD" Friend.}

Vs. 24 There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. NIV {In other words there are friends that will bail you out of jail and there are friends that will be sitting next to you in jail. LOL!} PLEASE DO NOT DO ANYTHING THAT'S GOING  TO SEND YOU TO JAIL!!!

Having friends can be wonderful even beautiful, but you have to step out of your selfish corner in order to be a good friend. If there's a freind even a love one that you haven't talked to or even seen for whatever reason; I would like you to do something:

1. Stop what your doing and have a heart to heart with God first, ask him to forgive you and to provide you with the words and the wisdom to ask your friend for forgiveness.

2. Do not text or e-mail them. You must either pick up a phone and call them or write them a handwritten letter, which ever you choose to do ; do it from the heart.

3. Finally forgive yourself. You can not move forward if your harboring pain and guilt. Like the song from Frozen says " Let it Go!, Let it Go!"

Whatever, you do never let go of your God assigned "Person", until next time.

Exquisite Mommy

Exquisite Mommy