Monday, January 5, 2015

Called Out

Every now and again those of us with good hearts and good intentions, do things we shouldn't be doing; causing alarm to those close to us.
I will admit after I got married in 2011 and had my son in 2012 I immediately went M.I.A. I was depressed, scared, nervous, angry, happy and overjoyed all in the same breath.
I went into hiding from everyone and everything. The only people who saw me were my parents , my grandfather, and my husband and son. I even stop going to church,
yes I said it ; this happy christian stop going to church.

No, I wasn't worried about people seeing the baby weight I had lost and gained back however, in my mind I need a break. So I used my child as a excuse not to get up and go to church. Though some of my excuses were valid and still are in regards to him I ran with it and never looked back.

Then a unusal situation caused me to reach out to one of my spirtiual advisors. Though at the time I was looking out for someone else's well being, they felt the need to check on me ; so much so they called me out. Now, Ive been called out in the past for things I've done or said , and in the past I have lit into people like christmas trees and put them in their place. This time was different though it was very unexpected I think God knew that I was mature enough and ready to hear the truth.

In this persons eyes what I was doing made me look and seem ungrateful for everything God had done for me and brought me through. No christian every wants to be told that they seem ungrateful, especially when in comes to God. Now, let me be honest with you God had already placed on my heart that I needed to get back in church but I guess I just needed a little fire lit up under my behind (sometimes we need this). As I read my spirtiual advisors concerns this scripture popped in my head, " For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23 KJV I knew in my heart that they were right and I needed to get my act together ASAP. Im grateful that my spiritual advisor love me enough to call me out on what I was doing, had they not I probably would be doing the same foolishness I had been doing the past two years.

So remember your going to sin YOUR HUMAN, but dont let your sin(s) stop you from looking to the One True God for Love and Guidance. Remember God loves us inspite of what we say and do. Keep the faith and keep pressing forward.

The Exqusitie Mommy

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