Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Cross

Several weeks ago I was driving with my mom and my son. As we trekked along we started to approach an hospital. Now, my son hasn't been to large hospital other than being born in one. As we get closer to the hospital,  he points to the cross on top of the hospital and shouts; "Church!"  I politely corrected him saying , No, honey that's a hospital. He then responds "no Jesus heals the sick there." I immediately told him that he was right then looked over at my mom, we both had a look of amazement  on our faces.

We as adult sometimes forget to see the BIG picture. See my son is only two years old but he has enough sense to know that when your sick Jesus can fix it. Mark 1:34 NLT  tells us "So Jesus healed many people who were sick with various diseases, and he cast out many demons. But because the demons knew who he was he did not allow them to speak. See Jesus knows just what we need, how we need it & when we need it. The cross symbolized Jesus for my son, he knew when he saw it that healing was taking place somewhere. It's funny but we should view the house of the Lord the same way. It's not just a place of worship and fellowship ; we should view it as a place of spritual, physical, mental and emotional renewal.

We can fool oursselves thinking we can do it own our own , but when its all said and done; we need the Father in every aspect of your lives.

So the next time your spending time with your favorite little person, try and listen to them; they may just amaze you.

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